My Happiness Died With Our Death

Understand that I don’t miss you. I miss our memories, our love, our moments, our past. Us. Now, you’re different as if anything ever exist between us. I don’t know what I can expect from you. I don’t know who I am now and I don’t even know what I can expect from me. We’ve changed for the worst. But you moved on. I don’t. Everything to me is to deep. I’m searching for you in every single person but I don’t find my old happiness because she died. She died with the death of us.

Traduzido: Minha felicidade morreu com a nossa morte
Entenda que eu não sinto sua falta. Tenho saudades das nossas memórias, do nosso amor, dos nossos momentos, do nosso passado. De nós. Agora, você está diferente, como se nunca tivesse existido nada entre nós. Eu não sei o que esperar de você. Eu não sei nem quem eu sou, nem o que esperar de mim próprio. Nós mudámos para pior. Mas você seguiu em frente. Eu não. Tudo para mim é demasiado profundo. 
Eu estou procurando por você em cada pessoa, mas eu não consigo encontrar aquela antiga felicidade porque ela morreu. Ela morreu com a nossa morte.

Original                            xCopyrightsx@Dec2015

Abóbora - Pumpkin
Abobrinha - Zucchini
Acelga - Chinese Cabbage
Agrião - Watercress
Alcachofra - Artichoke
Alho-poró - Leek
Batata doce - Yam, Sweet potato
Berinjela - Eggplant
Beterraba - Beets
Broto de feijão - Bean Sprout
Cenoura - Carrot
Chuchu - Mirliton, Chayote
Cogumelos - Mushrooms
Couve - Collard Greens
Couve-flor - Cauliflower
Couve-rábano - Kohlrabi 
Couve de Bruxelas - Brussels Sprouts
Echalotes - Chalotes - Shallots
Erva-Doce ou Funcho - Fennel
Ervilha - Snow Pea
Espinafre - Spinach
Feijão Verde - Haricot Bean
Grelos - Turnip tops
Inhame - Taro Root
Nabo - Turnip, Daikon
Palmito - Hearts of Palm
Pepino - Cucumber
Pimentão - Sweet Pepper, Bell Pepper
Rabanete- Radish
Repolho - Cabbage
Rúcula - Arugula
Salsão ou Aipo - Celery
Vagem - Green beans

Abacate - Avocado
Abacaxi - Pineapple
Ameixa - Plums
Ameixa seca - Prunes
Amora - Blackberry
Cajú - Cashew fruit
Caqui - Persimmon
Carambola - Star Fruit
Cereja - Cherry
Damasco - Apricot
Framboesa - Raspberry
Fruta do conde - Scaly Annona
Ginja - Bitter Cherries
Goiaba - Guava
Groselha - Redcurrant
Jaca - Jack Fruit
Limão Siciliano - Lemon
Limão galego - Lime
Mamão - Papaya
Maracujá - Passion Fruit
Marmelo - Quince
Melancia - Watermelon
Mirtilo - Blueberry
Morango - Strawberry
Nectarina - Nectarine
Pessêgo - Peach
Pitanga- Surinam Cheery
Romã - Pomegranate
Toranja - Grapefruit
Uva - Grape
I loved Purpose from Justin Bieber. Listen here:

Feeling like I'm breathing my last breath
Feeling like I'm walking my last steps
Look at all of these tears I've wept
Look at all the promises that I've kept

I put my heart into your hands
Here's my soul to keep
I let you in with all that I can
You're not hard to reach
And you bless me with the best gift
That I've ever known
You give me purpose
Yeah, you've given me purpose

Thinking my journey's come to an end
Sending out a farewell to my friends, for inner peace
Ask you to forgive me for my sins, oh would you please?
I'm more than grateful for the time we spent
My spirit's at ease

I put my heart into your hands
Learn the lessons you teach
No matter what, wherever I am
You're not hard to reach
And you've given me the best gift
That I've ever known
You give me purpose everyday
You give me purpose in every way

Oh, you are my everything
Oh, you are my everything

I don't know if this is wrong
Because someone else is telling me that it's wrong
But I feel this so let me just like
Try my best not to let this happen again
We weren't necessarily put in the best position
To make the best decisions

You can't be hard on yourself
For these were the cards that you were given
So you have to understand that these, like
That's not who you are
You know you're trying to be the best you can be
But that's all you can do
If you don't give it all you got, you're only cheating yourself
Give it all you got, but if it ends up happening
It ends up happening

That's what it's
That's what's happening with me
It's like God I'm giving it all I got
Sometimes I'm weak and I'm gonna do it
And it's like I'm not giving myself grace
I'm just like understanding, that's just how it is

OMG, I truly loved 25's Album. You have to buy this. 25 is completed by 11 songs. My favourite is Love in the Dark. 
25 is the 3rd album of Adele. I like 21 and 19 but this one is the best, in my opinion, of course. I don't know why she give numbers to the albuns.

Watch some videos of the new album: